As part of refreshed line-up, Logitech have announced their new top-end universal remote, the Harmony Elite. Logitech say the Elite delivers the same feature set as the harmony 950, paired with the power of the harmony Hub. It can control lots of aspects of a smart home including connected devices like Philips Hue, LIFX lights, August smart …
UKHA IRC channel – exactly how To join
Scott Ewing has produced a bit “How-To” on exactly how to join the our house Automation Web Relay chat (IRC) channel. [UPDATE] We now have a simple web interface to join our Automated house chat Room Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn Pinterest Email More WhatsApp Print Skype Tumblr Telegram Pocket
Spring room Makeover: part 2
A few weeks ago, I told you about the living room makeover I helped Cameron with. After a day of picking up accessories and design accents, this space came together in a snap. here are the photos: We first outfitted the room with essential larger pieces, including the sofa and drapery, before I found the …
UltraMote universal Remote software updated
AWARD-WINNING ULTRAMOTE® universal REMOTE control package now supports DELL’S new AXIM X50 series POCKET PCs – new version supports even more brands of TVs, Stereos, PVRs, lets users Multitask in the Living Room CONSUMER electronics SHOW, LAS VEGAS, Jan. 6, 2004 – users of the newest Dell Pocket PCs, the Axim X50 series, now can …
Antiquing In Aberfoyle
The Aberfoyle antique market just recently opened their gates for one more delightful season of haggling. With 20 acres of booths as well as outside exhibitor space, the market is a gold mine for dedicated collectors. My countdown to the market’s opening weekend begins soon after Christmas — I’m not kidding. So when my future …