Every April, the mother of all design events takes place in Milan under the banner of Salone Internazionale del Mobile (or as insiders call it, Saloni). imagine the Milan fashion shows, except stick-thin models are replaced by ultra-slim LED lights, ready-to-wear by flat-packed and pre-assembled. This year, the event celebrated its 50th anniversary and the …
Gorgeous Greek Revival
want to getaway on a Monday morning? Make yourself a cup of tea (or coffee), grab a bit snack as well as comply with me to an absolutely stunning house in upstate new York. Here’s the Gil Schafer-designed Greek Revival masterpiece in its Warren Byrd-landscaped setting, total with views of the Catskill Mountains as well …
The end of an era for Automated home
It’s the end of an era for the Automated Home. We moved in just a few months shy of 20 years ago and while our first self-build project was definitely hard work, it was an exciting and satisfying experience. But earlier today we did something we never really dreamt we’d do. We handed over the …
Sag Harbor trip
When the temperature soars (as it has lately), I desire I might getaway the congested, sweltering city. instead of beating with sweaty crowds as well as traveling in over-packed transit, wouldn’t it be good to lounge in a great sea breeze? That’s one of the reasons I discover this 3,600-square-foot, four-bedroom house so appealing. The …
Exclusive Interview: ‘Works with Nest’ at the Centre of The smart home
It’s been less than 18 months since the ‘Works with Nest’ program was launched and Nest say they’ve already signed up more than 10,000 developers. Their devices have connections up and running to other brands of smart home equipment in one out of every eight Nest homes. Now their sights are firmly fixed on expanding those numbers, using …
Decorating With extravagant wintertime materials
What much better method to curl up as well as take pleasure in chilly wintertime nights than to fill the home with sumptuous accessories like pillows, blankets, bed linen as well as table linens in soft, warm, extravagant materials like velvet, silk, organza as well as cashmere? These are just a few materials that in …
AmpliFi Brings quick friendly app controlled whole home mesh WiFi
I had a look at the UniFi system back in 2013 . considering that then I have installed 2 total systems as well as I’ve always been impressed. Now Ubiquiti Networks have released the UK version of AmpliFi, billed as a top quality domestic system that promises to be “the utmost Wi-Fi” whilst being even much easier to roll …
New From Ikea
This past March, I was lucky enough to visit the Ikea headquarters in Älmhult, Sweden to get a sneak peek at the new Stockholm collection. In fact, I even had a chance to sit down with the lead designer Ola Wihlborg and chat about the collection (check out the September 2013 issue of H&H for …
Modern Makeover: A Family’s vibrant Arts & Crafts house
When an art-loving household with two little children purchased this century house in Toronto’s West End, they quickly got to work putting a younger stamp on the too-formal interior. For 18 months, David Sword as well as Lise Anne Gougeon dealt with interior designer Stephanie Pellatt of Pivot style as well as designers Leanne Tammaro as well as Adolphina …
Our new home Server Isn’t a Server – The Synology 1813+ NAS review
like many of you, our storage requirements have been growing over the years. Our first Jukebox server was built in 2005, primarily to store music files. Then in 2009 Jukebox MkII was born and with it a reduction in power consumption along with a major leap in performance and capacity to cope with high definition video …